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Elizabeth Chow


Elizabeth 來自加拿大東部,在那裏她完成了土木工程背景的建築學碩士學位,然後搬到加利福尼亞州執業。在移居香港之前,她曾在灣區工作數年。

Elizabeth 曾在香港的國際學校工作,在PYP課程中教授小學生數學、藝術、創作和創新。她的熱情在於透過需要創意思維的挑戰性課程,激發學生對學習的熱愛。

閒暇時,Elizabeth 喜歡運動,例如跑步和遠足,以及為家人烹飪。她喜歡運用藝術和手工藝來發揮自己的創造力,並致力於可持續發展。

Elizabeth Chow


Elizabeth 来自加拿大东部,在那里她完成了土木工程背景的建筑学硕士学位,然后搬到加利福尼亚州执业。在移居香港之前,她曾在湾区工作数年。

‍Elizabeth 曾在香港的国际学校工作,在PYP课程中教授小学生数学、艺术、创作和创新。她的热情在于透过需要创意思维的挑战性课程,激发学生对学习的热爱。

闲暇时,Elizabeth 喜欢运动,例如跑步和远足,以及为家人烹饪。她喜欢运用艺术和手工艺来发挥自己的创造力,并致力于可持续发展。

Elizabeth Chow

Teacher of Mathematics

Teacher of Science

Teacher of Arts

Elizabeth is originally from EasternCanada where she completed a Masters in Architecture with a background in Civil Engineering before moving toCalifornia to practice. She spent several years in the Bay Area before makingthe move to Hong Kong. 

Elizabeth has worked in internationalschools in Hong Kong, working with primary aged students in the PYP programwith a focus on maths, arts, making and innovation for many years. Her passion lies in inspiring students to develop a love oflearning through challenging lessons requiring creative thinking. 

In her spare time, Elizabeth enjoysphysical activities such as running and hiking as well as cooking for herfamily. She loves flexing her creative muscles with art and fine crafts and isdedicated to sustainability.

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