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Artur Nowak


Artur Nowakh 在香港擁有 10 年的教學經驗。他擁有 Walbrzych Angelus Silesius Univeristy of AppliedSciences 的公共管理學士學位。之後,他擔任了 15 年的消防員。在移居香港之前,他在巴斯大學獲得了 CELTA 和教授其他語言人士英語的碩士學位。


作為一名教育工作者,Artur 的使命是讓他的學生成為世界公民。他培養學生批判性思考和解決問題的能力、適應力、責任感、開放的態度和同理心。他堅定不移地致力於實現這一目標,並努力創造一個能夠培養這些基本特質的學習環境。

Artur Nowak


Artur Nowakh 在香港拥有 10 年的教学经验。他拥有 Walbrzych Angelus Silesius Univeristy of AppliedSciences 的公共管理学士学位。之后,他担任了 15 年的消防员。在移居香港之前,他在巴斯大学获得了 CELTA 和教授其他语言人士英语的硕士学位。


作为一名教育工作者,Artur 的使命是让他的学生成为世界公民。他培养学生批判性思考和解决问题的能力、适应力、责任感、开放的态度和同理心。他坚定不移地致力于实现这一目标,并努力创造一个能够培养这些基本特质的学习环境。

Artur Nowak

Teacher of English

Teacher of Humanities

Artur Nowakhas 10 years of teaching experience in Hong Kong. He possesses a Bachelor ofArts in Public Administration from the Angelus Silesius Univeristy of AppliedSciences in Walbrzych. After that, he worked as a fire officer for 15 years. Hewas also responsible for hosting the visiting delegation from the US in Poland.Before moving to Hong Kong, he obtained his CELTA and MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at the University of Bath.


Since hewas little, Artur has been intrigued by the world outside his country, Poland.He still remembers how excited he was when he took his first trip abroad toBulgaria. Back in school, he was taught about Hong Kong, Victoria Harbour, andthe city’s history and had never imagined that he would move to one of the world'smost vibrant and culturally diverse cities.


Artur'smission as an educator is to empower his students to become global citizens. Heinstils in them the qualities of critical thinking and problem solving,adaptability, responsibility, open-mindedness, and empathy. His commitment tothis goal is unwavering, and he strives to create a learning environment thatfosters these essential attributes.

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