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Armando Rodriguez


我的名字是Armando Rodriguez,我在香港以教師的身份生活和工作已經六年了。我非常感謝能在漢鼎書院開始我的教學生涯,我期待著與我的新學生建立強大而有意義的關係。我 2016年獲得諾丁漢特倫特大學的歷史學學位,在嘗試了幾個不同的職業道路後,我決定要在教育領域進一步積累經驗。2018年,我搬到了香港,並在這裡開始了我的教學之旅。從那時起,我曾在香港多所學校任教,對於如何成為一名有效的教育工作者有了寶貴的見解。



Armando Rodriguez


我的名字是Armando Rodriguez,我在香港以教师的身份生活和工作已经六年了。我非常感谢能在汉鼎书院开始我的教学生涯,我期待着与我的新学生建立强大而有意义的关系。我 2016年获得诺丁汉特伦特大学的历史学学位,在尝试了几个不同的职业道路后,我决定要在教育领域进一步积累经验。 2018年,我搬到了香港,并在这里开始了我的教学之旅。从那时起,我曾在香港多所学校任教,对于如何成为一名有效的教育工作者有了宝贵的见解。 ‍

我从小就热爱阅读,我相信阅读是学习的核心元素之一,也经常是我课程的核心部分。我们会在课堂上理解新的概念并进行讨论,这使我们有机会建立自信和彼此间的融洽关系。 ‍


Armando Rodriguez

Teacher of English


My name is Armando Rodriguez and I have been livingand working in Hong Kong as teacher for six years now. I’m very thankful to bebeginning my time at Han Academy and I look forward to building strongmeaningful relationships with my new students. I received my degree in History fromNottingham Trent University in 2016 and after trying out a few different careerpaths, I decided I wanted to further my experience in the field of education. In2018 I moved to Hong Kong and began my teaching journey here. Since then, Ihave worked in numerous schools around the city gaining valuable insight intowhat it means to be an effective educator.

Having been an avid reader from a young age, it is mybelief that it is one of the core elements of learning and is often a centralpiece of my lessons. With the chance to comprehend new concepts and discuss themas a class, we have the opportunity to build confidence and rapport with eachother.  

Being involved with the Scout Association and the ArmyCadets from a young age I have a strong penchant for the outdoors and myhobbies include hiking, camping and riding my bike around the city.

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